Sabtu, 19 November 2011


Three Steps to Success

By Fitria Ningsih

            I believe that every people has idea to be a successful person. However, there are many ways to be success. They work hard every day and they will do anything to get what they want.  In addition, if u want to be success lets follow this steps bellow.

            The first is knowledge. Many people say that knowledge is power. When you take knowledge you have learnt and apply it to activity, and you create wisdom. You now know what works and what does not work after a succession of attempts. The key is though that if you do not attempt to seek out the knowledge you will never have it to apply in the first place. This leads us to our next step. Yes, you must be willing to make an effort.

The next step is willing. Making the effort to gain knowledge is one thing. You now must have the will to implement it. Otherwise known as a burning desire. To use the gun analogy: you must have the will to want to shoot someone 1st and that would only happen if you had a reason. Your will to want to be successful comes from knowing your "why" or your reason. This quote takes leads us into the final 3rd step. Vince Lambardi said it best. "It's not the will to win, It's the will to prepare to win." Pardon me if I am not exact on his quote but you get the point.

The third is the means. This comes down to your skills. A gun does not kill people if you are not adapting in knowing how to point and aim it properly. This can take practice, repetition and skill. Although I know, what some of you are thinking? Yes, accidents do happen. However, people rarely accidently have success in business that is sustainable over time. You must work on your skills consistently in order to become proficient at your craft. Whether that be communication with people because you are in a home based business or you are playing golf.

In short, becoming aware of this three steps process can greatly improve your chances of pushing past your vulnerability issues. You have nothing to be embarrassed of except now you are knowledgeable and you still do not move towards what you want in life. Moreover, try those steps if you want to be a success person.

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